
发现. 参与. 成长.

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在一个紧密联系的城市里体验音乐, 教师和同行的合作社区. Choose from two undergraduate degrees, a graduate degree, and an innovative certificate program.


发现, 创建, 通过对话表达, 探索, 和协作, 同时发展你的作品集和展示技巧. Choose from two degrees, two concentrations, and a pre-professional program.


成为一个综合性的戏剧艺术家, developing creative problem-solving skills and learning first-hand the full process of staging a show through 芝加哥’s storefront 剧院 model.




春季热身与博士. 茱莉亚•戴维斯

Stephen Signa-Aviles的展览"等待的地方



The 音乐、艺术和戏剧学院 is guided by the following core values:

发现.    我们相信艺术需要好奇心和探索精神.
参与.       我们相信在实践中学习.
成长.           We believe the 艺术s serve humanity and the well-being of all.


Devoted to the discovery 和分享 of wisdom and knowledge, 教育服务于人类和所有人的福祉. As the 音乐、艺术和戏剧学院, we imagine and 创建 our 项目 in the richness of community. Committing to the highest standards of excellence in the fields of music, 艺术, 剧院, 和教育, 我们是学生社区, 教师, 和工作人员 contribute to the integration of the 艺术s and life within self, 北园校区, 芝加哥市, 这个世界. We explore and hone personal aesthetic within the dialogue between culture and human values. We guide and encourage students in the journey toward a sustainable creative practice; one that can move beyond North Park University to benefit humanity.

我们的多样性增强和加强了艺术, 精神上的, 以及学习的智力工作, 教学, 和分享. Diversity itself is essential for excellence and achievement and we intentionally commit to exposing ourselves to other perspectives and cultures to ensure that our opinions, 观点, and judgments are continuously challenged and enable understandings across differences. We celebrate our vocations in and through a multiplicity of cultures and communities locally and globally. 我们知道拥抱, 推进, and valuing diversity everywhere will make us all the more successful. 作为一个基督教机构, 我们努力庆祝丰富多样的文化, 种族和民族, 性别, 政治和宗教信仰, 生理和学习差异, 性取向, 以及构成我们校园社区的身份. All members of our school belong to our community and are equally supported regardless of background, 身份, 或联系.


音乐学院的课程, 艺术, 和戏剧 offer challenging curricula enriched by the diversity of voices throughout history and cultures. We prepare students for creative practice now and into the future: 艺术ists who are global citizens equipped for the changing professions of the 21st century. 作为一个艺术团体的学生, 教师, 和工作人员, we seek to increase awareness of civic responsibility and promote a culture of compassion through the intersection of faith and learning.

Be prepared for anything you dream of achieving through your 艺术.


North Park University is proud to be able to recognize your talents in music, 艺术, 戏剧和可再生奖学金, which have specific application instructions and deadlines in early spring. If you are awarded a talent scholarship, it can be applied alongside any academic scholarships.


有创意的. 协作. 富有同情心的.

我们的教员她们在各自的学科中备受推崇 are equipped to prepare you for anything you dream of achieving through your 艺术. Our innovative 项目 are shaped by our professors’ backgrounds creating, 表现出, 执行, 和教学. With these specialized instructors 教学 courses that combine academics and hands-on learning—plus a wealth of opportunities to put your abilities into practice—you’ll know that your education is enabling you to find success in the real world.


The 音乐、艺术和戏剧学院 offers a variety of creative opportunities 无论是校内还是校外. 音乐课程提供声乐和器乐合奏es, and an opera program; art students plan and exhibit their works; and t学生写作, 指导和生产 独幕剧和全剧.



我们的学生和教师生产, 执行, 并在全年的校园内外活动中展出. Our students are able to experience world-class offerings in the 艺术s that enhance their classroom experience. 




特雷弗·尼古拉斯, 森艺术学院的校友和音乐老师, 是2023年音乐教育家奖的决赛选手, 由唱片学院和格莱美博物馆主办. 阅读更多关于他的成就.


Build a life of significance and contribute in meaningful ways to the 艺术istic community.


Finding your fit at North Park is straightforward, and we’ll be here to help you along the way. 以下是最重要的三个步骤.


开始对话. Fill out this form and we'll reach out to talk about your options.



我们以滚动方式录取学生, so it’s never too early (or too late) to st艺术 your application.



Keeping college affordable is as important to us as our expert 教师, 充满活力的社区生活, 学生的成功. Use our tools for a basic estimate, including scholarships and financial aid options.


你们有问题. 我们已经有了答案.

Our admissions team will contact you and send more information about North Park and the opportunities available to you here.


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